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Registration is open for the 2024 NECSC Conference June 16th-18th. See below for details.


The Northeast Campus Sustainability Consortium (NECSC) was established in October 2004 to support sustainability officers in advancing education about and demonstration of sustainable systems on university campuses in the northeast and maritime region. Organized around the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, the NECSC members have committed to an annual meeting that advances campus sustainability by providing close networking opportunities, professional development, and access to the area’s vibrant and growing college and university sustainability practitioner community. With no formalized structure, the NECSC is a collaborative, participatory network serving sustainability professionals in higher education in the northeast region.

To be added to the NECSC google group, please contact

The google group is to be used for idea-sharing and collaboration, facilitating calls about a particular topic, planning efforts associated with the annual meeting, and reminders of upcoming activities. This informal Consortium supports sustainability representatives from across all higher education institutions primarily in northeastern North America. To foster open dialogue we limit listserv access to higher education representatives only.


2024 NECSC Conference

NECSC Conference Save the Date graphic

Register here!

When: June 16-18, 2024 (optional community event on the evening of June 16, with two full conference days on June 17 and 18)

Where: Southern New Hampshire University’s Millyard located at 55 South Commercial Street, Manchester, NH 03101

Who: Higher education sustainability professionals in the Northeast

View the conference schedule

Conference Pricing:

Price options for NECSC 2024 conference

  • The first conference option is our Full Conference. This includes access to Monday Sessions (breakfast and lunch served), Food Truck and Pub Event on Campus, and Tuesday Sessions (breakfast and lunch served). This package is $100 for the 2-day conference.
  •  The second option is our Full Conference with Add-on Event, which gets you access to everything listed above PLUS our Sunday afternoon event at LaBelle Winery. They are a member of New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility and will be giving sustainability tours. This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with colleagues before the conference. This option is limited to 50 people and is $150 for the 2 ½ day conference.


  • We have a block at the DoubleTree Hotel within walking distance of where the conference will be held. The options are $149 per night for either two queens or one king. The hotel block rate expired on May 30, 2024. Hotels reservations can be made here.
  • If you would like to stay in on-campus dorms (note that the dorms are in a different area of the city than the conference location – you will need to drive between the two), the price is $176 for a single room for 2 nights (the minimum stay time), the nights of June 16 and June 17. On-campus housing reservations can be made here.


We are excited to see you there! If the cost poses any barriers to your attendance, or if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to

Conference History

Since 2004, NECSC members have committed to hosting our annual gatherings. Interested in hosting at your institution next? Email

2004 New Hampshire 2014 Rhode Island (Brown University)
2005 Massachusetts (Harvard) 2015 Massachusetts (University of Massachusetts)
2006 Connecticut 2016 Massachusetts (Wellesley College and Babson College)
2007 Maine (Bowdoin College) 2017 New Hampshire (Dartmouth College)
2008 New Jersey (Princeton) 2018 Connecticut (Wesleyan University)
2009 Vermont (Middlebury and the University of Vermont) 2019 Maine (University of Southern Maine)
2010 Montreal (McGill University) 2020 Online Connector Session hosted by Dalhousie University and Dallase Scott of Trust
2011 Pennsylvania (Carnegie Mellon) 2021 Online Network Connector Session with a focus on campus trees
2012 New York (Syracuse University) 2022 Canada (Dalhousie University)
2013 Maryland 2023 University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth