Student and Employee Commuter Discounts
In order to promote sustainable commuting among students and employees, Tufts University offers various public transportation discounts and benefits.
Have questions? Reach out to these offices:
Medford/Somerville/SMFA students: Student Services (617-627-2000,
Boston/Grafton students: Health Sciences Bursar’s Office (617-636-6551,
Employees: Human Resources
How to purchase a semester pass:
Students on all campuses can purchase a discounted MBTA semester pass through SIS. Log in to SIS, go to "Bills and Balances", then click on "Purchase MBTA Pass."
Tufts University, in partnership with Edenred Commuter Benefit Solutions, has implemented an online storefront for the purchase of MBTA Passes. All discounted MBTA passes must be purchased through your SIS Portal. Along with hosting the site, Edenred will be offering customer service for all technical questions that may arise.
If there are difficulties with Edenred customer service or you have other questions, please contact:
Medford/Somerville/SMFA students: Student Services (617-627-2000,
**New: Tufts & MBTA SMFA UPass Program Starting Fall 2024
We're excited to announce the SMFA UPass program starts this fall! All SMFA students will receive a MBTA Charlie Card with unlimited access to subway and local bus routes. Additional program information and details about picking up your Charlie Card will be sent to SMFA students via email.
Boston/Grafton students: Health Sciences Bursar’s Office (617-636-6551,
Visit the MBTA website to learn more about subway, bus, and commuter rail fares and routes.
Discounts by campus:
Boston Students: 35% discount
Grafton Students: 11% discount
Medford/Somerville Students: 11% discount
SMFA Students: 11% discount
Employee Commuter Discounts
Save money by using pre-tax funds to purchase MBTA passes or vanpool and commuter parking. Visit Access Tufts for more details on how to enroll in the employee commuter benefits program.
Not sure if you commute often enough to make a monthly MBTA pass worth it? Use this MBTA Fare Calculator to see if a monthly pass will save you money.
Boston and SMFA employees:
Faculty and staff receive a 40% subsidy, up to a $55 discount per employee per month, toward the purchase of bus, train, or commuter rail MBTA passes. The subsidy is reflected in your payroll deduction and applied to the pre-tax amount of your commuter transit election.
Medford/Somerville and Grafton employees:
Faculty and staff receive a 35% subsidy, up to a $40 discount per employee per month, toward the purchase of bus, train, or commuter rail MBTA passes. The subsidy is reflected in your payroll deduction and applied to the pre-tax amount of your commuter transit election.