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Community Resilience Building Workshop

Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 Events

On May 3rd, Tufts University held a community resilience building workshop on the Medford/Somerville campus facilitated by The Nature Conservancy. The aim of the workshop was to understand how Tufts can plan for and adapt… Read More

2018 Eco-Ambassador Grant Winners

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018 News

Through participation in either two condensed half-day or monthly 2-hour educational sessions, Tufts’ faculty and staff Eco-Ambassadors are eligible to apply for a $100 grant to help realize a project that will further sustainability efforts… Read More

Background with a lightbulb with plants growing inside, with text "Tufts Office of Sustainability Eco-Ambassador 2018 Grant Winners"

2018 Spotlight Award from MassRIDES

Friday, June 1st, 2018 News

This year, Tufts University was awarded an honorable mention for the 2018 Spotlight Award. The award is given by MassRIDES to companies and organizations that offer and incentivize sustainable commuting options. Tufts offers their employees, staff,… Read More

Black and white background with MBTA bus on the road, with text "Tufts university 2018 Spotlight Award, Mass Rides, Excellence in Sustainable Commuting"

Move Out 2018

Thursday, May 31st, 2018 Events News

An enormous amount of waste often unfortunately ends up in the landfills when students move out of their school-year residences for the summer. In order to minimize waste, the Office of Sustainability set of Move-Out… Read More

Zero-Waste President’s Picnics

Thursday, May 31st, 2018 Events

On Wednesday, May 11th and 23rd, Tufts University’s President Monaco hosted the annual President’s picnic lunches at the SMFA and Medford campuses respectively. Many employees, staff, and students gathered to enjoy the delicious food prepared… Read More

Waste Bin Liner Changes

Thursday, May 10th, 2018 News

Black Bags Are Here! Say goodbye to blue bags in the landfill bin! Now all trash will be collected in black bags and recycling will continue to be collected in clear bags. Please note that the blue… Read More

Trash bags with black liners, recycling with clear/white liners.

Ready for Move Out?

Thursday, April 19th, 2018 News

Get Packing! Find information at!